...which was preceded by a scene like this?

I’ve witnessed so many scenes like this when I was a lot younger. We used to live in a place situated in very close proximity to a “depressed” area and, at the time, I would see crime and violence unfold from the windows of our fourth floor apartment unit on an almost daily basis.
The severity of the scenes I’ve witnessed ranged from PG-rated ones (like the all too common fist fights and snatchings) to R-18-rated ones (like the ones resulting to the “defeated” being covered with newspaper until the cops arrive).
It was also from one of those windows when I first saw a totally naked woman… however, she was mentally ill and she was lying on top of a car’s hood.
I couldn’t tell if the things I saw had any effect on me… though, I don’t think I feel traumatized by it all.
Anyway, the images above are just photos of a film shooting which I took last Saturday somewhere in Quezon City. I don’t recognize any of the actors there except for Roy Alvarez.

Likewise, I don’t know what show it was as I’m not really a fan of “tele-seryes”. I do watch a few of those shows, but only because my wife and my mother-in-law have them as sort of an additional viand (ulam) for dinner… particularly “Dyosa” and “Betty La Fea”… and, I admit, I’ve developed a liking for “Dyosa”… but only because of Anne Curtis. :P

And that's a wrap!