Custom Search

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Google's New Search Result Page

Google has rolled out their new search result page just a few minutes ago. The most noticeable change being the search options (at least some of it) being permanently visible on the left side of the page.

Google's new search result page layout May 5, 2010

Compared to the previous version, you need to click on the More options link to see the search options.

Google's previous search result page layout May 5, 2010

Google's previous search result page layout May 5, 2010
Another is the list of results labeled as "Top Links" which appears to the right of the main results when you select the "Latest" option.

Google's new search result page layout May 5, 2010
Seems like SEOs have a new nut to crack. :)

IMO, the new design looks very nice, it's much more pleasing to the eye than the previous one. I wonder what else it does differently.


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